Global Warming
On this page you will find links to various Audio /
Video presentations and scientific papers on the topic of Global Warming.
Our goal is to present Global Warming Science in a way that is easily
understood by the general public. We use the term Global Warming rather than
the term Climate Change because we see Global Warming as the cause and
local Climate Change (or rather Climate Weirdness) as the effect.
The report below was commissioned by
the World Bank’s Global Expert Team for Climate Change Adaptation. It spells
out what the world would be like if it warmed by 4 degrees Celsius, which is
what scientists are nearly unanimously predicting by the end of the century,
without serious policy changes. It's an excellent read.
Skeptical about global warming being
caused by humankind? Every scientist is skeptical; it's part of their job.
Here's a pamphlet for those skeptics out there who would like a small, 'just
the facts, please' kind of info package.
So what did we know about Anthropogenic
Global Warming in 1980? Are all these warnings we hear today from Climate
Scientists just a recent phenomenon? Check out this video which contains
some unique historical footage.
This is an eye opening quarterly report
from Jeremy Grantham on how commodity prices are changing and which
countries are the largest consumers.
This is a paper by Dr. James Hanson et
al examining the earth's energy imbalance. In it he addresses many aspects
of Global Warming including trying to get a 'handle' on exactly what role
aerosols play in this energy imbalance.
This is a 2009 report on American
Infrastructure from the American Society of Civil Engineers. Infrastructure
will be hard hit by local Climate Change.
Here is a copy of the
latest white paper published by The Deutsche Bank Group for
investors. "The purpose of this paper is to examine the many claims and
counter-claims made in the public debate about climate change science."
The chemistry of Ocean Acidification is
a new field of research. The oldest papers in the area go back only 10 or so
years. Here is a FAQ sheet done by 27 scientists in 19 institutions across 5
countries who specialize in investigating the phenomena which produce Ocean
ocean acidification 01.pdf
It's been said that only 2 of every 100
people in the developed world really understand the climate science behind
Global Warming. One of the major reasons for this is time. Most people have
little time to do the searching around for good science papers to read. At
the link below the information and papers have been gathered together so all
you need to do is to read. It's set up to give you an over view of last year
(2009) in Climate Science.
Gwynne Dyer has been a military analyst
for several decades. He has contacts in most of the major military
establishments across the world. Once he learned about Global Warming he
immediately wanted to inquire about its military implications for the
countries of the world. This is a fascinating and informative talk by
knowledgeable people.
Lord Christopher Monckton has been
making the rounds in Canada and the rest of the world talking about the
triviality of Global Warming. He uses data from scientists to make his
points in such a way that someone who is not well read on the issues would
be fooled into believing that Global Warming is not an important issue.
Professor Abraham meticulously examines the validity of Lord Monckton's
arguments and sources in this well documented piece.
This link points to a great discussion
regarding the science of Global Warming plus an inside look at the workings
of the IPCC.
The US Environmental Protection Agency
has recently produced a report on Climate Change Indicators in the United
States of America.
Here is a talk by Dr. Richard B. Alley given at
the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in which he
traces the role of CO2 in earth's deep history. He is a geologist and
Professor of Earth Sciences at Penn State.
How does the thermostat work for the earth keeping it
in a range of temperatures rather than burning up at some times or
becoming a total snowball at other times? All this in a solar system in
which the main heat source for the earth, the sun, is increasing in its
heat output yet the earth has not become hotter but cycled between warm
and cold spells almost forever.
Are you interested in the history of how scientists came to discover
that humans were causing global warming? This is a hypertext site integrated
in such a way to maximize your learning about the history of climate science
and many of the more esoteric scientific concepts about the Earth's
geophysics. The site is hosted by the American Institute of Physics and
partially sponsored by the American National Science Foundation (NSF).
What follows is a lecture given by
Naomi Oreskes, Ph.D. She is a professor of History in the Science
Studies Program at the University of California, San Diego. The Title of her
lecture is, "The American Denial of Global Warming".
She outlines the history of climate
science from the 19th century to the present. She moves on to try to
understand the modern phenomenon of Global Warming Denial that is so popular
today especially in the United States of America.
Here is a video that is part of an
advertising campaign in the United States of America. It delivers quite a
different message about CO2. According to this advert CO2 is good for the
Earth and the more CO2 the better.
Pascal's Wager has many forms. It is used as a tool in
risk management. Let's suppose we don't know FOR SURE that human
caused global warming is occurring. Maybe or maybe not. So how do we manage
the risk? Is there a way to wisely manage our way out of this situation even
though we can't be sure that human caused global warming is occurring?
This science teacher uses the logical form of Pascal's
Wager to make a thoughtful argument.
The following report was produced by The
National Academies in the USA, which are: National Academy of Sciences,
National Academy of Engineering, National Research Council, and the
Institute of Medicine.
This talk with time-lapse footage of
glaciers is absolutely fantastic.
Here is a copy of the IPCC's The Copenhagen Diagnosis: Climate Science
Report. IPCC AR5 is not due until 2013 so this report provides interim data.
The purpose of this report is to synthesize the most policy-relevant climate
science published since the close-off of material for the last IPCC report.
Here's an interesting article from
Scientific American where the author identifies and answers several common
objections to AGW posed by contrarians..
We have been hearing about hacked e-mails
from British climate scientists, their contents and their meaning. Do the
contents mean that climate scientists have 'cooked the books' and fabricated
data? Is climate science a scam? Here's a short article from the prestigious
science periodical NATURE on this topic.
Nature on Stolen emails.pdf
Here's an informative video on the media
frenzy surrounding the hacked E-mails.
Dr. Daniel Nocera discusses a revolutionary
approach to solving the third world's energy needs.